RESILIENCE: Civil society action to reaffirm media freedom and counter disinformation and hateful propaganda in Western Balkans and Turkey
Duration: 2018 – 2021
Donor: European Union
The three-year project is coordinated by the South East European Network for Professionalization of Media (SEENPM), a network of media development organizations in Central and South East Europe, and implemented in partnership with: Albanian Media Institute in Tirana, Foundation ‘Mediacentar’ in Sarajevo, Kosovo 2.0 in Pristina, Montenegro Media Institute in Podgorica, Macedonian Institute for Media in Skopje, Novi Sad School of Journalism in Novi Sad, Peace Institute in Ljubljana, and Bianet in Istanbul.
The project is implemented in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey.
The project’s (2020 – 2023) primary focus is on:
- strengthening capacities of media CSOs and grassroot organisations through networking and cooperation regionally to improve understanding of disinformation and hateful propaganda models of media and communication in the Western Balkans and Turkey (WBT);
- the ability of media and civil society to respond to and debunk false information, particularly online;
- building the resilience of citizens against disinformation through the promotion of joint solution involving media professionals and other stakeholders.
Updates on project activities, outputs and products will be featured on the websites and social media channels of the partner organisations, including the SEENPM websites and
What will the project do?
- Research reports
- An analysis ofpolitical-economic basis of hate, disinformation and propaganda models of media and communication;
- Analysis of hate and disinformation narratives;
- Research (based on opinion polls) on media trust and media-gender issues;
- Countering hate, disinformation and propaganda
- Production of 6 TV shows informed by the research findings and aimed at raising the awareness among media audiences of key media freedom and freedom of expression issues;
- Regional workshop for creative teams to learn from EU experts and peers and apply fresh creative solutions to national countering narrative campaigns;
- Disinformation countering campaign to run on social media in all seven target countries;
- Editors’ forum (titled “Editors for Trust”) to underline the potential power that editors hold in restoring media trust, and to exchange experiences on approaches to developing sustainable business models that promote quality, trusted journalism as a means of countering disinformation;
- Study visits to EU countries for editors from the region;
- Production of cross-border stories using constructive journalism approach.
- Promoting of media and information literacy (MIL) in small towns and rural areas
- Sub-granting scheme aimed at capacity building of grassroots organisations to engage in the promotion of MIL in small towns and rural areas that may be particularly vulnerable to disinformation and propaganda.
- Advocacy
- Preparing overview on regulatory and self-regulatory framework in beneficiary and selected EU countries to serve as a basis for advocacy activities;
- National advocacy activities, with findings and good practices identified in the previous activity presented to national stakeholders invited to public debates in each beneficiary country and supported by guest speakers from the region or EU member states;
- Conclusions from public debates and analytical activities will be summarised in country specific set of recommendations and distributed broadly.
Macedonia in the digital age - between rights and responsibilities while communicating on Internet
Duration: 2015-
Donor: U.S. Embassy, Skopje
Description: To engage media, officials and institutions, CSOs, educators and the public in more responsible, respectful and democratic online public discourse in Macedonia, supportive of the rule of law, protection of citizens rights and democratic development of the country in the digital era. Project objectives: – To raise the level of knowledge and awareness among media professionals, institutions, CSOs, education experts, students and young people and the wider Internet public on their rights and responsibilities while engaging in public communication through the Internet; – To provide relevant and credible information and data on legislation, practices and issues relevant to different aspects of communication through Internet; – To intensify the debate on different legal aspects of Internet communication between all relevant stakeholders – used not only to share knowledge and experiences, but also to generate ideas, proposals and solutions to emerging problems regarding Internet communication.
Regional EU award scheme for investigative journalism in Western Balkans and Turkey
Duration: 2015-2018
Donor: EU
Description: The EU award for investigative journalism aims at celebrating and promoting outstanding achievements of investigative journalists and improving the visibility of quality investigative journalism in the Western Balkans countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) and Turkey..
The award is established by the European Commission, DG Enlargement, following the EU Enlargement strategy which recognizes strong need for ensuring freedom of expression in the media, and for support to investigative journalism to monitor the reform processes and to keep the historical momentum toward the EU accession.
The EU award for investigative journalism will be given each year in each of seven countries in the period of three years: in 2015 (rewarding the investigative journalism works and achievements in 2014), in 2016 (for achievements in 2015) and in 2017 (for achievements in 2016).
The award is administered by the regional partnership of civil society organisations, coordinated by the Peace Institute in Ljubljana, which was selected for that task by the European Commission. The European Commission will supervise and approve each important step in the awarding procedures.
Media Accountability in South East Europe
Duration: 2014
Donor: European Commission and the Directorate General for Enlargement
Description: The project is implemented by the UNESCO, the Macedonian Institute for Media is the main regional partner of the project. The project activities are focused on supporting the work of press councils, facilitating the establishment of press council and raising awareness on media accountability in South East Europe
South-East European Partnership for Media Development
Duration: 2013 – 2017
Donor: European Commission, the Civil Society Facility, Media Freedom and Accountability Programme, EuropeAid/134613/C/ACT/MULT
Description: The Center for Independent Journalism (Romania) is the international coordinator of the project. The Macedonian Institute for Media is one of the 8 partner organisations from the region;
SEE Partnership for Media Development is aimed to improve the ability of media organisations to address working conditions and education level of journalists, broaden their knowledge and skills, as well as to improve their attitude with respect to advocacy and media literacy. The project also aims to inform and generate educated public debates on freedom of expression in general, and media freedom in particular, to broaden the stakeholders’ and civic support for media sector reform processes.
South East European Media Observatory
Duration: 2012 –2017
Donor: European Union, Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) Civil Society Facility (CSF)
Description: Implemented by the consortium team of 7 civil society organizations form the region: Peace Institute, Ljubljana (project leader), Albanian Media Institute, Tirana, Media Center Sarajevo, Investigative Journalism Center, Zagreb, Center for Independent Journalism, Budapest, Macedonian Institute for Media, Skopje, and Novi Sad School of Journalism.
SEE Media Observatory is a regional partnership of civil society organisations aimed at enhancing media freedom and pluralism, and influencing media reforms in the countries of South East Europe. It addresses obstacles to democratic development of media systems by providing a regional instrument for media research and monitoring, support to investigative journalism and civil society engagement. It also offers a regional framework for debates, consultations and coalitions among key stakeholders.
SEE Media Observatory particularly addresses the problems with integrity of media and journalism in the region, focusing on harmful patterns of media ownership and media finances.
TV production - Weekly TV interview for Radio Free Europe
Duration: 2006 –
Donor: TV production – Weekly TV interview for Radio Free Europe
Description: MIM is working on the production part and organizes the airing of the TV interview for RFE on one national and 10 local TV stations. The interviews are made with top politicians, businessman, political, economic / other experts.
#ReForMedia – Enhancing the cooperation between the civil society, institutions and citizens for implementing reforms in the media sphere
Duration: 2016-2018
Donor: European Union
Description: The project wants to contribute in increasing the influence of civil society in development and implementation of media reforms in the country. Financial support for the project is provided by the European Union. Activities will involve representatives of various stakeholders in the media sphere, such as journalists, editors, media owners and other media professionals, parliament, government, regulatory bodies, self-regulatory bodies and representatives of civil society. Its foreseen the stakeholders to work together on development of the public policies for improvement of legal and institutional environment that will enable free and professional media. In this regard, various researches will be conducted and debates on relevant media topics will be organized. Additionally, small grants to civil society organizations implementing actions to strengthen media integrity will be provided.
Tackling hate speech in public discourse in Macedonia
Duration: 2013 – 2015
Donor: British Embassy Skopje
Description: The aim of this project was to create understanding among youth, prominent public figures and the media about hate speech and effects of its use in public discourse. Also, the project was focused on promoting new values in public communication, as well as on supporting media in challenging instances of hate speech.
Within the project, MIM conducted set of activities focused on development of informative and educational on-line resource tools to serve as a platform to foster on-line and public debates on how to recognize & react upon use of hate speech, as well as promotion of new values in public communication and increased awareness and understanding among population about use of hate speech thought organizing creative and innovative public outreach campaign. In that purpose MIM created the website .
The main project results include: 9 debates on hate-speech related topics; 6 short documentaries; 7 flash mobs against hate speech, performed by young people in 7 cities in the country; 9 multimedia guerrilla tools against hate speech, 4 public opinion surveys on different aspects of hate speech in the public communication.
Media Accountability in South East Europe
Duration: 2014
Donor: European Commission and the Directorate General for Enlargement
Description: The Macedonian Institute for Media was the main regional partner of the project. The project activities were focused on supporting the work of press councils, facilitating the establishment of press council and raising awareness on media accountability in South East Europe.
CSOs Watchdog Network to Prevent Spoils and Conflict of Interest in the Public Administration
Duration: 2013 – 2015
Donor: Funded by the European Commission through the IPA Civil Society Facility program
Description: The project Implemented by the Institute for Democracy SOCIETAS CIVILIS Skopje (IDSCS), in partnership with the Ohrid Institute for Economic Strategies and International Affairs (OI) and the Macedonian Institute for Media (MIM);
The main project objective was to enhance the role and contribution of civil society in good governance and the process of EU integration. In particular, the project contributed in fostering the inclusion of civil society organizations (CSOs) and the wider civil society in the reform of public administration.
Strengthening cooperation between CSOs and media for pursuing human rights and freedom of expression
Duration: 2012 – 2014
Donor: Delegation of the European Union
Description: The overall objective of the action was to strengthen the cooperation and to establish cross-sector links between civil society and media, aiming to be a driving force in promotion of human rights, freedom of expression and independent media. The specific objectives of the project were to improve information sharing and incite constructive debate among CSOs and media by organizing cross sector activities; to strengthen the influence of CSOs over the public opinion by giving CSOs voice in the media; to strengthen the capacities of journalists and media to pursue professional journalism and promote freedom of expression by producing human rights driven investigative stories; to provide citizens with high quality information of public interest via media.
The main project results include: 29 interviews with representatives of the CSOs and media in order to explore their attitudes and perceptions on the mutual cooperation among media and CSOs active in the area of human rights; a national conference on cooperation between Human Rights CSOs and Media, which gathered 100 participants; a training in investigative journalism with a focus on HR; web-platform on which 13 investigative stories and more than 100 articles were published; White Paper on cooperation between the CSOs and media.
Strengthening Professional Capacities of Editors and Managers of the Media in Macedonia
Duration: 2012
Donor: German Embassy
Description: The goal of the project was to strengthen professional capacities of editors and managers of the media and to contribute into long term development of the media sector in Macedonia.
MIM had conducted the Project activities in cooperation with the School of Journalism and Public Relations, two Dutch journalist and media educators, who were closely involved in the process of development of the Action plan and thus familiar with the Macedonian media sphere, as well as with the Peace Institute from Ljubljana, Slovenia.
The project initiated wide debate in the media sphere and had predominantly positive feedback from the media community. Around 150 journalists, editors, media manages and media experts were embraced through different activities of the project (1. Forum for editorial values – event for middle level editors; 2.Study program for editors-in-chief of most relevant national media; 3.Interactive conference for media managers; 4.“Media clinics” – consultancies for media managers), that represents a good response of the media community in Macedonia.
The Roma Visibility Project
Duration: 2011 – 2013
Donor: EU (PA 2009: Instrument for Civil Society)
Description: The Roma Visibility Project, aimed at enhancing the presence of Roma issues in the public sphere in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Macedonia, is implemented by Transitions Online, in partnership with Macedonian Institute for Media, Media Center Sarajevo, the Novi Sad School of Journalism, and the Roma Information Center from Sarajevo.
In the activities implemented within this project, 18 Roma and non-Roma journalists from Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia were trained on reporting on issues that affect the Roma community by prominent international and regional trainers. The project also carried out country-workshops aimed at practical production of multi-media stories for participants from each of the countries, and production of multi-media stories which are published on the web portal, created in the frames of this project. Also, within the project a regional conference was organized in autumn of 2011 in Novi Sad, as well as study visits of journalists from one country in other countries that are part of this project that resulted in producing of more stories with a regional approach.
Monitoring of the Parliamentary elections 2011
Duration: 2011
Donor: Swiss Development Cooperation Agency
Description: In total 13 national media (7 national TVs and 6 national newspapers) were monitored two weeks during the campaign and two preliminary alerts were published during that period. The goal of the project is to asses if the journalists and media respect the professional standards during the reporting in the campaign. The final report was presented and published in July 2011.
Strengthening inter ethnic communication between nigh school students across Macedonia by using multimedia tools – Multi via media
Duration: 2010 – 2011
Donor: US Embassy in Macedonia
Description: The general goal of the project was to help the society overcome the existing interethnic divisions and promote social cohesion and democratic participation, especially among the young citizens. The direct goal was to make the young people understand that although they belong to the different communities, they share same needs and interests, which are more in numbers and more important than the differences that divide them.
For this purpose, MIM in cooperation with the School of Journalism and Public Relations (SJPR), organized five-days workshop in Ohrid, on which participated 33 high school students of different ethnicity, who were introduced to the basic tools for creating online multimedia contents and their placement on the Web; competition “Express yourself through the Media“ that was opened for all high school students across Macedonia, who were invited to participate with a photo story, video clip or other media products dealing with interethnic relations, expressing their attitudes and perceptions regarding other communities that live in Macedonia; one-day workshop for preparation of The National Youth Declaration for the Improvement of Interethnic Relations attended by 36 students of different ethnicity from all over Macedonia.
All the media products created by the students were placed on the first high school web platform, that was created within the project. The web platform is open to all interested students who want to share their experiences and ideas with their peers from other ethnic communities by means of creating media products on different topics related to their immediate environment.
Project "Broadcasting the EU"
Duration: 2010 – 2011
Donor: European Commission
Description: MIM in cooperation with TV Kanal 5(national-based TV) produced and aired 21 episodes of the quiz show “Europe go (Odime vo EU)”.
Series Analysis regarding the situation in the media sphere in Macedonia
Duration: 2010 – 2011
Donor: Fridrich Ebert Stiftung
Description: During these two years, MIM and SJPR produced and published 3 analysis on specific issues important for the media sphere in Macedonia:
– “Analysis of the situation with the media of ethnic communities in the Republic of Macedonia” – mapping situation with providing of cultural pluralism in the media sphere in Macedonia, possibilities of active access to media content for ethnic communities, as well as problems that ethnic communities media face;
– “Analysis of the issue of self-regulation in the media in Macedonia” – the functions and importance of media self-regulation; its use as a substitute for judicial proceedings regarding the media content; the differences between regulation and self-regulation of the media; the forms of media self-regulation and financing forms as well as the experiences with media self-regulation in Macedonia; Identifying good practices of self-regulation and encouraging introduction of various forms of self-regulation; Recommendations for further actions for strengthening the principle of self-regulation in the media in Macedonia are given at the end of the document.
– “Analysis of the Public Broadcasting in the Republic of Macedonia in the Context of the European Media Policy”, focused on following questions: – Does MRT fulfill its mission and program functions as a Public Broadcasting Service? Does the manner of financing imply independent and successful MRT operation as a Public Broadcasting Service? Does the model of management and supervision of MRT, as specified by law, correspond to the European standards and does it provide for its efficient and independent functioning? Which are the perspectives of MRT within the current digitalization process of the terrestrial television?
Improving Media Literacy Education in Macedonia
Duration: 2009 – 2011
Donor: MATRA programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Netherlands
Description: MIM and its partners the Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis”-Skopje and the European Journalism Centre, NL in cooperation with the Macedonian Ministry of Education and Science and Bureau of Education Development, implemented 3-year project on Media Literacy, that is envisioned to become part of the curricula of mother tongue subject in the primary and secondary education in Macedonia. In that order, a total of 56 trainings were organized and almost 1.100 teachers across Macedonia were trained, the website on media literacy was created and launched; a conference on media literacy was organized in Skopje and Media Literacy Teachers’ textbook was published.
Support to implementation of the Law for Free Access to Public Information and capacity building in media relation and EU communication for the public administration in Macedonia
Duration: 2007 – 2009
Donor: British Embassy
Description: Purpose of the project was to support the implementation of the Law for free access to public information and to strengthen the capacities of the public administration to communicate professionally with the media and with the public and to contribute to increasing the economic and political transparency and accountability.
Within this project, MIM has trained over 1000 public officers responsible for dealing with public information within their institutions.
Also, MIM produced and published 3 publications:
- “Public Information Must Be Disclosed, Not Held”
- “Access to Public Information Is Free”
- “List of Holders of Public Information in the Republic of Macedonia”
National Action of the Media and the Public administration for increasing transparency and accountability in Macedonia
Duration: 2006 – 2007
Donor: British Embassy
Description: This project was focused on strengthening relevant national media outlets and public administration representatives with skills and techniques, that will enable them to pursue and maintain action for improving political and economic transparency and accountability at all levels of state organs in Macedonia.
Main activities were trainings in professional investigative journalism for teams of the most important 10 TV stations with national and local outreach, which were delivered by BBC-London. Public administration representatives (deputy prime ministers, top representatives from public/state institutions, other ministers, judges, EU countries ambassadors) participated in the discussions with the journalists about the models of improving the process of transparency and accountability at all levels of state functioning in the country.
As an outcome of the training, 30 investigative stories were aired/published in the media, including the highest-rated news editions on national TV stations in the country.
Civil Society Strengthening Project
Duration: 2005 – 2010
Donor: USAID, Institute for Sustainable communities
Description: The overall objective of the MACSS program was to ensure that the Macedonian civil sector achieves a seat at the table in social and political decision-making as a vehicle for heightening citizen participation in public life. The Project was focused specifically on supporting the civil society sector to: a) diversify and decentralize, b) achieve meaningful results in publicly beneficial areas, and c) increase its breadth and impact through effective CSO relations with constituents and other stakeholders.
MIM was member of the consortium team of the project and provided training to program partners and NGOs involved in CSSP on message development, public relations, and working effectively with the media. MIM also worked with the consortium, Leader NGOs, and key stakeholders on a national public relations campaign on behalf of the civil sector. In addition to core trainings in public relations, MIM provided individualized follow-up training and assistance for organizations to each module to supplement the training material and ensure that organizational systems and practices are put into place.
TV Magazine “Kontrafor”
Duration: 2002
Donor: British Embassy in Skopje, Center for War Peace and News Media from New York, IOM (International Organization for Migration)
Description: The Macedonian Institute for Media, supported by the British Embassy in Skopje, the Center for War, Peace and News Media from New York and the International Organization for Migration, implemented the project TV Magazine Kontrafor. Seven TV stations from the conflict impacted areas in 2001 in Macedonia participated in this project.
In the framework of the project workshops for the journalists and cameramen who participated in the implementation of the TV show “Kontrafor” were organized.
The TV Magazine includes 12 programs in duration of 30 minutes, focused on local topics interesting for the local population regardless of the ethnicity. Journalists worked in pairs, one Albanian and one Macedonian journalist worked on every half hour program.
Project- Parliamentary elections 2002
Duration: 2002
Donor: Irex Promedia-Macedonia
Description: The project was consisted of following activities:
- Training program “Reporting during elections”
Mid-career journalists from Macedonian media participated at one-week training “Reporting during elections”
- Pre-election journalistic caravan
Pre-election caravan visited 6 cities in Macedonia and 6 round tables with the local journalists were organized during these visits.
- Roundtable “The journalists and the parliamentary elections 2002”
The final roundtable was organized in the capital Skopje.
News and Digital Literacy Project: Where Fake News Fails
Duration: 2018 – 2020
Donor: European Union
Description: The Macedonian Institute for Media in partnership with the Institute for Communication Studies, the Independent Trade Union of Journalists and Media Workers and the Media Diversity Institute – London has launched the News and Digital Literacy Project – Where Fake News Fails. The aim of the project, which will be implemented in the next three years with financial assistance from the European Union, is to improve effectiveness, responsibility and ethics of civil society and journalists in using the right of freedom of opinion and expression through promotion of news and digital literacy.
The project will contribute to increasing the knowledge of CSOs to effectively counteract fake news and unethical media reporting and will help social media users become knowledgeable consumers of online news and information and responsible active citizens. It will increase debate on news and digital literacy among journalists by emphasizing the economic and social conditions for freedom of expression.
The activities are designed in a way to strengthen the knowledge and capacities of the target groups, so that they can further promote news and digital literacy both in the media industry and among wider audience. The project foresees trainings, mentoring and re-granting of CSOs, preparation of a Social media strategy and research on the motivations of social media users, as well as production of various educational resources (videos, tutorials, blog posts, online quizzes). Within the project, campaigns and media events for social media users, journalists and CSOs will be organized. An annual media award that promotes journalism in the public interest will be organized and monthly publications for media professionals will be published.
Media for Citizens – Citizens for Media
Duration: 2018 – 2021
Donor: European Union
Seven media development organizations in the Western Balkans have joined forces under an EU funded project ’Media for Citizens – Citizens for Media’ to build capacities of CSOs to advance media and information literacy (MIL) in the region.
The project (2018 – 2021) strives to contribute to strengthened and vibrant civil society actively advocating for advancement of MIL policies and practices in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.
What will the project do?
- Research reports will map the current state of MIL policies and practices in each country and the region as the basis for following activities.
- MIL coalitions will be formed in each country as inter-sectorial working groups to draft advocacy plans and coordinate their implementation, supported by advocacy campaigns.
- MIL Regional Screenshot, a one-day event, will gather various stakeholders, activists/experts and practitioners in Novi Sad, Serbia, for a regional exchange on how to advance MIL.
- MIL Summer Festival will gather some 150 participants in Ohrid, Macedonia for educational workshops, expert panels and networking sessions featuring leading regional and EU-based experts so as to exchange knowledge and practice on innovative and creative digital solutions for promoting and teaching MIL.
- Training future trainers will create a regional pool of 50 MIL trainers to train civil society organizations eager to advance and promote MIL across the region.
- 40 MIL initiatives by civil society organizations will be funded by this project to raise awareness and educate about MIL and its importance.
- Online campaigns will put in the spotlight the views about MIL of journalists, teachers and citizens – students, parents, the elderly – as the main protagonists.
- “Journalism for Citizens” will bring renowned journalists into high schools to bring MIL closer to students focusing on media freedom and critical understanding of media contents.
The regional program “Media for Citizens – Citizens for the media: Strengthening the Capacity of NGOs for the Development of Media and Information Literacy in the Western Balkans” is implemented with the support of the European Union by partner organizations Mediacentar Sarajevo, Albanian Media Institute, Macedonian Institute for Media, Montenegrin Media Institute, Novi Sad School of Journalism, Peace Institute, SEENPM .
Disability: a matter of perception
Duration: 2018 – 2019
Donor: European Union
The purpose of the proposed action is to strengthen visibility of persons with disabilities (PwD) in media. It relies on innovative approach, viewing the media visibility of PwD as means and necessary precondition to their active participation in public life and equal treatment in exercising the rights and freedoms.
Specific objectives:
– Increased effectiveness of PwD CSOs by assuming assertive approach in communication with media;
– Improved understanding and Inclusive journalism skills of media representatives;
– Established sustainable CSO-media cooperation mechanisms in support to participation and inclusion of PwD;
– Media invisibility of PwD placed higher on the policy-makers’ agendas.
Partnership, Advocacy and Communication for Efficient Inclusion of People with Disability
Duration: 2020 – 2021
Donor: Civica Mobilitas
Partner: National Council of Disability Organizations of Macedonia
Overall Objective: Effective advocacy for the rights of people with disabilities in the public sphere.
Specific Objective: Establishing substantial cooperation between CSOs representing people with disabilities, journalists and relevant institutions through networking, joint coordination and practice of human rights-based journalism.
Activities: Training for strengthening the mechanisms for cooperation between PwD CSOs, journalists and relevant institutions; Training for inclusive journalism, for journalists and representatives of PwD CSOs; Production of video stories on topics related to the social inclusion of people with disabilities; Production of a video campaign for the advocacy of the rights of people with disabilities; Preparation of communication strategy and establishment of efficient channels of digital communication for the needs of NSIOM.