Our Media: Local Initiatives for Active Citizenship

SEENPM member organizations gathered around the regional project Our Media have selected the best local...

Media literacy in education enhances critical thinking among students

The introduction of media literacy in the primary education curriculum and the following plans for...

MIL and Media Activism: Young Leaders of Change gathered in Istanbul

Young activists, researchers, and journalists from the Western Balkans and Turkey gathered in Istanbul from...

Manipulation of information and external influences in the focus of the study visit of journalists and civil activists in Brussels

Journalists, editors and representatives of civil society organisations were part of the study visit to...

The “NIKOLA MLADENOV 2023” journalism awards were awarded

At the annual “Nikola Mladenov 2023” journalism awards competition, the journalist Aleksandar Dimitrievski was awarded...

Study Visit for Journalists to Vienna

Journalists from several national media in the country were part of the study visit to...

Our Media: Local Initiatives for Active Citizenship

Media literacy in education enhances critical thinking among students

MIL and Media Activism: Young Leaders of Change gathered in Istanbul

Manipulation of information and external influences in the focus of the study visit of journalists and civil activists in Brussels

The “NIKOLA MLADENOV 2023” journalism awards were awarded

Study Visit for Journalists to Vienna


Young activists, researchers, and journalists from the Western Balkans and Turkey gathered in Istanbul from October 29-31 for the first “Regional Academy for Future Leaders…

The introduction of media literacy in the primary education curriculum and the following plans for inclusion of the concept in the secondary education were some…

The Macedonian Institute for Media and partners are announcing an open call for the one-year Regional Academy for Future Leaders of Change on Media Literacy…

Journalists, editors and representatives of civil society organisations were part of the study visit to Brussels organised by the Delegation of the European Union in…

At the annual “Nikola Mladenov 2023” journalism awards competition, the journalist Aleksandar Dimitrievski was awarded the first prize for the Best Investigative Story for the…

Journalists from several national media in the country were part of the study visit to Vienna, organised by the Delegation of the EU and the…


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Macedonian Institute for Media

The Macedonian Institute for Media (MIM) is a non-governmental, non-political and non-profit organisation founded by the Danish School of Journalism, USAID/IREX Pro Media and the Macedonian Press Centre in 2001. The Institute has gradually grown into a massive media platform in Macedonia, encompassing into its professional network the bulk of the media outlets in the country. MIM enables free and easy access to media literature, up-to-date resources for professional development and education, media research and analyses as well as opportunities for joint production.
