How can investigative journalism help in the protection of human rights and how can we use the possibilities offered by the new technologies for data collection and effective visualization of the investigative stories – these were some of the topics of the three-day training on investigative journalism organized by the MIM.
The training was conducted by Paul Radu, a longtime journalist and trainer in investigative journalism and Ioana Avadani, a civic activist for freedom of speech, both coming from the Centre for Independent Journalism in Romania, together with domestic trainers Zoran Bojarovski, editor in Alfa TV and Nazim Rashidi, editor in Media Diversity.
As a result of the practical training, the journalists, in consultation with the trainers, defined several topics for investigative stories related to various aspects of human rights, on which they will work in the following months. The purpose of the training was to encourage the editorial desks to produce investigative stories focusing on human rights, which would also improve the cooperation between the media and the civil society organizations.
The training is part of the project “Strengthening the cooperation between the civil society organizations and the media in order to promote human rights and freedom of expression” that MIM implemented with the support of the European Union through the EIDHR.