How the educational system and the media can contribute to dealing with the stereotypes and prejudices – this was the main topic of the panel-discussion “Through media literacy, we educate young generations without prejudices and stereotypes”, organized by the Macedonian Institute for Media and IREX.
Attending teachers, journalists and activists shared their experiences in work with students and young people who face stereotypes on different bases, both, in reality and online. The teachers, professors and civic activists talked about the mechanisms within the educational systems, while the journalists expressed the role of the media and the media literacy in tackling these phenomena.
Most of the attending students stressed the importance of media literacy for personal and professional development of young people, which is particularly significant for the new media reality that we live, as well as for building cohesion in our multiethnic society. Both, the panelists and attended guests emphasized the need of introduction of the media literacy in formal and nonformal education, as one of the ways to deal with these negative phenomena.
This event is part of the USAID’s Media Literacy Project “YouThink”, and it was organized within the Media Literacy Days 2022.