Parents sacrifice careers and quit their jobs only in order to stay at home with their disabled children. Why aren’t there adequate conditions for education of the disabled children? Why the segregation in terms of the employment of the disabled people cannot be stopped and how can we put an end to the violation of their labour rights? What are the barriers posed by the state? 10 to 15 % of the citizens have some kind of a disability, and there is no one to help them. Scared, ashamed and excluded from the society, many of them spend their entire lives behind closed doors. This video presents several life stories of disabled persons who have overcome their problem and turned their disability into an advantage. The interlocutors confirmed that they are indeed the missing puzzle piece.



civica mobilitas logoThe video was produced as part of the project “Reporting about civil society and its impact in achieving societal changes”, implemented by MIM in association with SCOOP Macedonia, with financial assistance from the CIVICA Mobilitas program.