Promoting media literacy and accurate information among youth in R. N. Macedonia
Deadline for submission: 28 October 2019
Duration of each project: 31 December 2019
Size of individual grants: 3.000 GBP
Total number of grants that will be awarded under this call: Up to 2
General information
Albany Associates ( and Macedonian Institute for Media, along with regional media development organisations, are implementing a project called “Promoting Media Information Literacy and Strengthening Independent Media in the Western Balkans”. The project’s primary goals are to build the capacity of media professionals and journalism students in verification, fact-checking, content production and other reporting competencies; and to enhance public service broadcasters’ understanding of media and information literacy (MIL) and to improve their ability to deliver MIL campaigns to the public. The project is being implemented in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, R.N. Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. It is funded by the British Government.
Although we anticipate similar calls in all of these countries eventually, only media outlets registered in R.N. Macedonia are eligible for this call.
Objectives of the call
Available research indicates that young people in R.N. Macedonia lack basic media literacy skills, lack knowledge on standards of professional journalism and are unaware of the responsibilities and role of media in democratic societies. Furthermore, they often lack the skills needed to verify information and protect themselves from misleading or manipulative content and thus would benefit from education in MIL.
Research on attitudes of journalists and discussions with youth in the region also show that both those who produce content and those who consume media believe there is often inaccurate information disseminated on issues of general interest such as health and the environment.
In order to support quality journalism and improve media literacy among audiences in the region, Albany Associates and Macedonian Institute for Media are seeking applications for content production grants, with the following specific objectives (applicants can choose between the two, or combine them):
- Providing audiences in R.N. Macedonia, in particularly those under 35, access to high quality, innovative media content that will help them to better understand the role of media and the importance of professional and independent journalism.
- Providing high quality, innovative media content that will provide audiences with accurate information to counter misleading or false information in the areas of health, protecting the environment, local governance or another area of public interest.
Who is eligible to apply?
Media outlets (print, TV, radio, online media) satisfying following criteria:
- Registered in R. N. Macedonia, proven by registration document
- Have at least two years of experience operating as a media outlet in R.N. Macedonia, proven by registration document
- Have the ability to reach audiences, proven by data demonstrating the outlet’s web site statistics, circulation, reach, etc.
- Have the ability to produce media content, proven by samples that have been published/aired/posted
Applications not meeting the above criteria will not be considered.
Each media outlet can only submit one application.
Co-productions are also allowed, with one applicant stated as the lead, and others as co-applicant(s). In the case of co-production, all eligibility criteria apply to both the lead applicant and co-applicant(s).
What content forms and topics will be supported?
Although media outlets can propose content on any medium, preference will be given to multimedia content with the potential to be further promoted and distributed via social media platforms.
Proposed topics should stem from the specific objectives of the call identified above and may include, but are not limited to, the following examples:
- The role of media and journalism in safeguarding freedom of speech;
- Criteria to assess the quality and credible journalism; searching, critically assessing media content both online and offline;
- Online safety and data protection;
- Recognizing inaccurate information in the media;
- Transparency of media financing and media ownership; or
- Providing accurate information to counter misleading or false information in the areas of health, gender, protecting the environment, local governance or another area of public interest.
Eligibility of costs
The following costs related to content production will be considered eligible:
- Salaries and accompanying fringe benefits
- Production-related costs such as travel, equipment and similar expenses.
How to apply?
Application form and budget template
Applications must be submitted in English, using both the:
- application form (download here)
- budget template (download here)
Supporting documents
Each application must be accompanied by:
- Scanned copy of the organisation’s registration document (for lead applicant and any co-applicants).
- Samples of previous production demonstrating ability to produce media content, preferably with links to previously published content (for lead applicant and any co-applicants).
- Completed budget form
When and how to send the application
All applications must be received by 28 October 2019. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered. Applications must be submitted via email to with “Call for Content Production Grants” in the subject line.
Any questions about this call should be submitted by email on or before 18 October 2019 to with “Call for Content Production Grants” in the subject line.
Assessment and selection of applications
All applications will be assessed by a selection committee assembled from local and regional media development organisations based on the following criteria:
- Relevance of the proposed content against the objective of the call (maximum 20 points)
- Quality of the proposed content, approach to the proposed topic, originality of the proposal, (maximum 40 points)
- Proposed content distribution and promotion plan (maximum 10 points)
- Capacity of the organisation to implement the proposed project, applicant’s technical abilities and experience in content production, commitment of the applicant to professional journalism, experience of the proposed production team (maximum 20 points)
- Efficiency of proposed costs, value for money (maximum 10 points)