International corporate companies, such as CME and RTL, that are well-established on the media market in Croatia and Slovenia, enable stable position and funding of commercial TV-channels on national level which they own, that consequently reflects the growing independence of their editorial policies. Unlike them, owners of commercial terrestrial TV-channels on national level in Macedonia appear to be exclusively domestic legal entities and individuals.

None of the media companies that own the commercial terrestrial TV-channels on national level is registered as having media as a core business, and an additional problem is that some of the owners do not have understanding for the social responsibility and influence that the media have on shaping public opinion.

Ownership of the media in Macedonia is formally clear, but ownership links with political and business centers of power are not actually broken. So far, as the responsibilities of institutions are set out, no one can and, as it turns out in practice, no one has a will to trace hidden connections that media maintain with political and business centers of power in the background. As a result, political interference in some highly influential national TV channels in Macedonia, in the researched period were explicitly present, to the extent of their misuse for propaganda spreading.

This is only part of the content of the Analysis on Ownership and Financial Models of the Most Influential TV-Channels in Macedonia, Croatia and Slovenia, conducted by the Macedonian institute for media, within the project “ReForMediaMKD – Citizens, CSO’s and Institutions reforming media in Macedonia”. The project is supported by the European Commission.

The full report, together with conclusions and recommendation, is attached below:

pdfOwnership and financial models of the most influential TV channels3.4 MB