The majority of the editors and the media in Macedonia operate in an environment  influenced  by  the  political  centres  of  power  and  often  even  under  threats. The political pressure backed by the media owners mainly results in a biased, partisan and non-comprehensive journalism.

In the creation of this environment, the editors and the media owners have failed to distance themselves from party politics. On the contrary, the lack of independence has made the media into collaborators in the creation of a divided and politicised society devoid of fair and balanced media reporting.

The  selective  reporting  and  the  absence  of  editorial independence  at  the   public  service  broadcaster   Macedonian  Radio  and  Television (MRT) are particularly worrisome. The chief underlying reason is the appointment of editors, a process which is completely controlled by the ruling coalition.

The political and media crisis in the country deepened further in 2015 with the  publication  of  intercepted  conversations  that  showed  senior  government  and  ruling  party  officials  suggesting  breaches  of  fundamental  rights,  interference with judicial independence, media freedom and elections, and politicisation and corruption in various fields.

This is only part of the content of the research on state-media financial relations in Macedonia, conducted by the Macedonian institute for media, within the project “SEE Media Observatory”.

The full report, together with conclusions and recommendation, is attached below:

pdfТhe editors’ role in media integrity protection in Мacedonia206.45 KB