Duration: 2013 – 2015

Donor: British Embassy Skopje

Description: The aim of this project was to create understanding among youth, prominent public figures and the media about hate speech and effects of its use in public discourse. Also, the project was focused on promoting new values in public communication, as well as on supporting media in challenging instances of hate speech.
Within the project, MIM conducted set of activities focused on development of informative and educational on-line resource tools to serve as a platform to foster on-line and public debates on how to recognize & react upon use of hate speech, as well as promotion of new values in public communication and increased awareness and understanding among population about use of hate speech thought organizing creative and innovative public outreach campaign. In that purpose MIM created the website www.bezomrazno.mk .
The main project results include: 9 debates on hate-speech related topics; 6 short documentaries; 7 flash mobs against hate speech, performed by young people in 7 cities in the country; 9 multimedia guerrilla tools against hate speech, 4 public opinion surveys on different aspects of hate speech in the public communication.

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