Duration: 2011 – 2013
Donor: EU (PA 2009: Instrument for Civil Society)
Description: The Roma Visibility Project, aimed at enhancing the presence of Roma issues in the public sphere in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Macedonia, is implemented by Transitions Online, in partnership with Macedonian Institute for Media, Media Center Sarajevo, the Novi Sad School of Journalism, and the Roma Information Center from Sarajevo.
In the activities implemented within this project, 18 Roma and non-Roma journalists from Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia were trained on reporting on issues that affect the Roma community by prominent international and regional trainers. The project also carried out country-workshops aimed at practical production of multi-media stories for participants from each of the countries, and production of multi-media stories which are published on the web portal www.tocak.org, created in the frames of this project. Also, within the project a regional conference was organized in autumn of 2011 in Novi Sad, as well as study visits of journalists from one country in other countries that are part of this project that resulted in producing of more stories with a regional approach.