Duration: 2010-2011

Donor: Fridrich Ebert Stiftung

Description: During these two years, MIM and SJPR produced and published 3 analysis on specific issues important for the media sphere in Macedonia:
– “Analysis of the situation with the media of ethnic communities in the Republic of Macedonia” – mapping situation with providing of cultural pluralism in the media sphere in Macedonia, possibilities of active access to media content for ethnic communities, as well as problems that ethnic communities media face;
– “Analysis of the issue of self-regulation in the media in Macedonia” – the functions and importance of media self-regulation; its use as a substitute for judicial proceedings regarding the media content; the differences between regulation and self-regulation of the media; the forms of media self-regulation and financing forms as well as the experiences with media self-regulation in Macedonia; Identifying good practices of self-regulation and encouraging introduction of various forms of self-regulation; Recommendations for further actions for strengthening the principle of self-regulation in the media in Macedonia are given at the end of the document.
– “Analysis of the Public Broadcasting in the Republic of Macedonia in the Context of the European Media Policy”, focused on following questions: – Does MRT fulfill its mission and program functions as a Public Broadcasting Service? Does the manner of financing imply independent and successful MRT operation as a Public Broadcasting Service? Does the model of management and supervision of MRT, as specified by law, correspond to the European standards and does it provide for its efficient and independent functioning? Which are the perspectives of MRT within the current digitalisation process of the terrestrial television?

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