Membership to MIM is accessible for all media members and media outlets registered according to legal procedures in Macedonia. All interested media members and organizations must also fulfil membership criteria as listed in MIM’s Statute. To date, MIM has 55 individual and media organizations members from all around Macedonia, including professional associations of journalists and nongovernmental media organizations. Each member is represented in the Beneficiaries’ Assembly, which is the MIM’s highest governing/management body.
The Beneficiaries Assembly is composed of legal entities from the following sectors:
- Public broadcasting service
- Private radio stations
- Private television stations
- Private print media
- Professional organizations
General terms for becoming a member of MIM
Each medium or organization, which desires to become a member of the Beneficiaries Assembly, needs to meet the following terms:
- To be registered as a legal entity according to the Macedonian laws
- To be founded and based in Macedonia
- To conduct programs/projects and activities according to its goals and fields of activity, as well as to function actively for at least 3 months
- Private media should publish/air in-house produced news and other types of independently produced programs.
Procedure for applying and gaining status of a member of the MIM’ Beneficiary Assembly
The media and the other legal entities (organizations, associations, professional and Non-governmental organizations) should submit the following documents (except the filed application form)
- Official registration issued by the official bodies as an evidence that the applicant is legal entity in the Republic of Macedonia
- Broadcast media must submit copies of the Decision for concession obtained and Licence to work; print media must submit the copy and the number of the Decision for registration from the Agency of Information of the Republic of Macedonia
- Statute and Work-programme of the organizations, associations, professional and non-governmental organizations, data about their membership, as well as a list of activities conducted in the past 3 months.
- Data about number of employees in media and media organizations, verified by the person in charge in the organization
All the needed documents should be sent at:
Macedonian Institute for Media
Jurij Gagarin 17/1-1, Skopje
Republic of Macedonia
The media representatives who will participate at the Beneficiaries Assembly sessions will have to present an official consent for representing the media they work for.
What does the membership in MIM mean?
- The members of MIM has right to nominate representatives who participate in the work of the managing bodies of MIM (Managing Board and Beneficiaries Assembly)
- Therefore, the members of MIM participate in defining the strategy and the activities of the Institute, according to the rights and responsibilities of MB and BA, which are defined in the Statute of MIM
- Courses that are fully financed by donations are free of charge for MIM members, and non-members, pay the determined fee
- When courses are partly financed by donations, a different fee for the members and non-members of MIM is determined;
- The courses which are requested by one or more media will be charged under commercial terms, and the members of MIM get a discount on the full price;
- MIM members have priority in establishing partnership on the projects that are conducted by MIM ( for example: radio and TV production or publishing)
- MIM members have priority when invited for participation on different events (trainings, conferences, seminars) that are organized abroad, for which MIM is responsible to nominate representatives from Macedonia. The participants will be selected through criteria set up by the organizer of certain event.
- Annually, or by request, MIM researches the needs of its members, through questionnaires, focus groups, workshops, informal meetings, visiting newsrooms etc. The results are used for preparation and modification of MIM’s annual activity plan, which is tailored according to the members’ needs
- The members have right to ask for one-day free of charge consultations once per a year, that will facilitate the process of “scanning” the media needs in the areas where MIM can offer its expertise
- The members receive free of charge all MIM’s publications – books, brochures, newsletters, research’ results, reports – which are financed through donations
- The members can use MIM’s library resources free of charge
- The members can use computer equipment and Internet access in MIM premises free of charge, under conditions agreed with MIM