MIM has at its disposal an up-to-date equipment and professional staff for production of video, radio and multimedia web content.
MIM’s portfolio includes a dozen of self-produced and co-produced projects:
- As part of the project “Tackling hate speech in public discourse in Macedonia” and the web-platform bezomrazno.mk produced were: 10 TV debates on hate speech in public communication; 9 multimedia gerilla tools; and 7 flash mobs against hate speech
- As a partner in a USAID-supporeted project on Interethnic Integration in Education, MIM produced a dozen multimedia contents related to different aspects of interethnic inclusion in the process of education.
- An educational TV Quiz “Europe Go” was aired on TV Kanal 5 where in a total of 21 shows, where over sixty competitors checked their knowledge about the European Union and European values,
- MIM has been producing the weekly TV interview of Radio Free Europe since 2005. The TV interviews, produced in Macedonian and Albanian, are broadcasted on several national and local TV stations.
- Within the Civil Society Strengthening Project, MIM has produced two-week radio and TV show “Our circle”, aimed to promote citizen journalism and work of NGOs in Macedonia. The show was broadcasted on two national (Kanal 5 and A1) and 10 local TV stations, as well as on 14 local radio stations in the country.
- The TV magazine” Kontrafor”, produced by MIM in 2002, brought together e-Macedonian and e-Albanian journalists who made various journalistic products on local topics of citizen’s interest. In total, 12 half-an-our longshows were produced and broadcasted on seven TV stations in areas affected bythe conflict in 2001.